Benefits of Implementing AICARM
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you are ready to move to the next level of crack repair management.
Reduce total weld repair costs
Extend viable asset structural life
Improved contractor management via the Mining Welder Competency
Commercial - get more accurate and comparable quotations based on better crack data
Use the following tool to explore some scenarios regarding just how much your site could save in terms of % of current maintenance costs.
All information is anonymous - feel free to run as many scenarios as you want.
Full information regarding how the assumptions and calculations used for this estimator are provided in this document
Implementing the Mining Welder Competency provides surety of welder proficiency and hence improved safety
The Mining Welder Competency provides evidence based VoC for all the welding processes that must be used on site
Reduced repairs means less exposure to risk of injury
Improved crack repair quality means lower risk of failures that may cause a safety incident
Risk Management
More accurate risk management and maintenance based on better crack data
Reduced risk of lost production due to cracking.
Reduce financial and safety risks involved with the affects of cracking and weld repairs
Option to provide customised and standardised condition severity thresholds for TARPS
Personnel Management
Clearly defined role based responsibilities
Clearly defined process and communications
Transparency and auditability of the repair planning and management process
No welding experts required for routine repairs
Engineering and Reliability
Better data for making decisions
Improved cracking analytics
Step towards achieving ISO 55000
Full technical support documentation and training
No headaches from trying to implement a database of welding procedures for repairs
Improved overall reliability and availability
Planning and Scheduling
Assign priorities to each crack to be repaired
Able to accurately estimate repair duration and ancillary scopes
Clearly define required labour - no more over or under allocation
Improve scheduling for repairs in workshops based on estimated repair duration
Improved shutdown planning and management
Repair Management
Clearly defined work scopes
Easily allocate a welder with the appropriate competency for the repair
Improved repair completion due to better planning and resourcing.
Identify exactly what was repaired and to what extent.
Simple QA to provide accountability and full traceability.