
Request a demonstration

In the demonstration will show how each stage of the repair management process is done and how each of the elements of the AICARM framework are used.


The first step is to review the completed work pack consisting of the Component Crack Repair Sheet(s) and QA Sheet(s).

The bottom section of the of CCRS asks 3 questions that act as prompts for whether follow-up work is required.

Using the Component Crack Repair Sheet, it is possible to immediately see

  • Work completed

  • Repair status to see if a Temporary repair was made, or a repair made using backing strip.

  • Actual duration vs estimated

By also examining the corresponding QA documentation, it is possible to gain further insight into the reason for any apparent discrepancies or issues.

Follow-up work

If any RP1 cracks were not completed, or Temporary repairs, then a suitable risk management strategy needs to be put in place. Potential actions include

  • Leave until next planned inspection

  • Monitor more frequently until next planned repair

  • Plan to carry out repair at next available opportunity

If there were any repairs made using backing strip, then potential actions include

  • Do nothing and wait until it re-cracks

  • Monitor via UT

  • Plan to cut a window to gain internal access to remove the backing strip


If there were major problems encountered on the maintenance day, then there may be opportunity for improvement if suitable feedback is given. The last question on the Crack Repair Sheet provides a prompt for this feedback.