Repair Planning

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In the demonstration will show how each stage of the repair management process is done and how each of the elements of the AICARM framework are used.

Component Crack Repair Sheet

The Component Crack Repair Sheet is the heart of the repair management process. It is used for all stages of the Repair Management process.

For Repair Planning , all cracks to be repaired are listed on a sheet for each component of the asset. Each crack has the corresponding photo(s) in the NDT report listed to make the crack easy to find in the NDT report.

Then, for each crack the following are specified

  • Repair Priority

  • Welder Competency Level

  • QA Level

The estimated time required for each repair can be relatively accurately estimated based on the Crack Data. This may then be used for scoping and to determine the balance between labour resources, maintenance duration, and which cracks to repair.

In addition, the AICARM Framework provides guidance regarding when specialised QA roles are required, such as welding supervisors, welding inspectors, NDT techs, and repair monitors.

The result is a clearly defined scope of works for planned maintenance that should be achievable with the planned resources.