Repair Scenarios

Repair Scenarios

Other than the material specific factors (which are provided by the URPS), a specific repair methodology should be used for each crack repair. The required methodology is determined by the nature and properties of the cracking - which we call "Repair Scenarios".

The Repair Scenario Selector has been developed so that even non-technical personnel can easily figure out what methodology should be followed to repair almost any cracking they come across. This means that Engineers and Supervisors don't need to be welding experts in order to be able to specify how a welder should carry out a repair. Or alternatively, they can easily supervise a repair and ensure that a welder is following a best practice approach.

The Repair Scenario Selector works by following the steps on the left of the diagram. The first step is determine whether there a specific repair specification should be followed instead of using the Repair Scenarios. For most common repairs, the Repair Scenarios will apply.

Then it is a simple process to select the relevant Repair Depth, apply the appropriate Repair Type(s), and add in relevant Repair Requirements. These all combine together to form a complete, customised repair methodology for almost any crack repair.